Creator Objects

The Creator Objects are a family of special polygon objects. These objects are by themselves empty. You first have to drop in the appropriate child objects (spline or polygon objects) to make them work. The Creator Object then calculates a new object out of the information offered by its child objects (see the example).

If you edit the children of a Creator Object the object will update themselves immediately.

Many Creator Objects also inherit information from the tags of it's children. For example, when you drag a Polygon object with a UV Tag into a Subdivision object, the uv coordinates will be inherited by the Subdivision object .

If you still want to edit a Creator Object on the polygon or point level you can make it editable like every other parametric polygon object with the menu command "ObjectsMake editable". This will collapse the Creator Object and all its children into a single editable object, so only do this if you do not need to make changes to any of its child objects.

This example illustrates how you can create a 3D font out of a Text spline with the help of the Extrude Creator Object.

  1. Create a Text spline from the tool bar.
  2. Edit the Text spline properties like the Font or the text.
  3. Create a Extrude object from the tool bar.
  4. Drag and Drop the Text object into the Extrude object (see figure).
  5. Select in the Extrude properties "front & back" for the parameter "cover".
  6. You're finished! You can still edit all the properties of the Text spline to fine adjust the 3D font.

Scene in the object browser.

3D Font in the 3D view.