Effector Objects

Effector objects are split into two groups:

  • Dynamic effectors: which effect the dynamics of a particle. These are the forces.
  • State effectors: They have no influence on the dynamics. They just change the state of a particle and are performed after the dynamics so are comparable to how modifier objects work on polygon objects. They are non-destructive. At the moment there is just one state effector, the Orientation effector.
Effector objects are used together with particle objects to achieve a greater sense of realism and add an additional level of complexity. Dynamic Force effector objects try to mimic natural behavior and can add a level of realism to a scene which includes particles. State effector objects allow you to pass transformation information to particles.

You can have numerous forces in a scene to influence particles and use them to affect individual or scene wide particle objects because effectors only work in a certain range the effectiveness of an effector can be limited so that it doesn't work globally. This open up the possibility for closer relationships between effectors and particle emitters.


  • Size: The size of the range.
  • Geometry: The shape of the range.
  • Invert: Inverts the range.