FCurve Object

The FCurve objects represents parameter F-Curves. They are usually grouped together in a TakeNode. FCurves itself are a collection of animation keys (FCurveKeys) and can be evaluated at any time t. Properties





void addKey(FCurveKey key)
Appends a key to the end of the F-Curve.

void insertKeyAtIndex(FCurveKey key, Number index)
Inserts a key into the F-Curve at index.

FCurveKey keyAtIndex(Number index)
Returns the key at index.

Number keyCount()
Returns the number of keys in the F-Curve

void removeAllKeys()
Removes all keys from the F-Curve.

void removeKeyAtIndex(Number index)
Removes a key from the F-Curve at index.

void setKeyAtIndex(FCurveKey key, Number index)
Sets the values of a F-Curve at index.

void update()
Please always call this function after editing the F-Curve. It will performs some clean up tasks and calculate the tangents if you've choosen smooth spline interpolation.

Number valueAtTime(Number time)
Evaluates the F-Curve at time.