The rope tag can be used to simulate the physical behavior of
ropes. To do that you just have to add the rope tag to an editable
spline object and turn on Dynamics.
For pinning spline control points to other rigid bodies please use
the Anchor tag.
The rope simulation is performed in the global coordinate system.
So the transformation properties of the spline object are not
influenced by a simulation.
Simple rope simulation.
- The rope simulation does only animate the control points of
a spline but not its tangent vectors. It is therefore
recommended to use spline of Type=Linear.
- The rope simulation is limited to a max. of 10.000 control
- Should ropes penetrate other objects increasing the Solver
Iterations property of the rope tag or the Accuracy
property of the Dynamics settings might help.
Attention: You can only add a rope tag to editable spline
- Mass: Specifies the total mass of the rope.
- Stiffness: Specifies how stiff the rope is. Low
values result in elastic ropes while higher values generate
stiffer ropes.
- Damping: Specifies how strong the linear
movement of the rope control points is damped. The higher the
damping value the faster the rope movement slows down.
- Friction: Specifies how strong the rope is
influenced by frictional forces between two objects.
- Recover shape: When using this property the
spline remembers its original shape and tries to recover it.
- Margin: The margin adds some additional
collision tolerance. In case of the rope the margin can be
considered as the radius of the rope. The margin should never be
- Bending constraints: The bending constraints
specify the max. adjacent distance of control point influencing
each other. Higher values generate stiffer ropes.
- Solver iterations: The higher this value is the
more simulation steps the physics solver will calculate for each
simulation frame. So higher values generate more accurate
simulations results at the cost of longer calculation times.
Especially when ropes penetrate into other objects higher solver
iterations can solve that problem.