Spline IK Tag

The Spline IK tag can be used if you want a a joint chain to follow the shape of a spline object. For example to animate the tail of a animal you no longer have to animate every single joint but just the spline control poaints.


Lets see at an example how to set up an IK chain for the right arm of an character.

  1. Lets assume you already have a skeleton (joint chain) and a spline.
  2. Select the tip of the joint chain and attach an Spline IK tag to it via the toolbar.
  3. Assign the spline object to the target property of the Spline IK Tag.
  4. You are done. If you now change the shape of the spline the joint chain will follow it.

In the first image you see a spline and a joint chain.

In the second image the joint chain was bound to the spline via the Spline IK tag.
The joint chain now follows smoothly the curve.


  • length: The length of the IK chain.
  • offset: The offset of the IK chain.
  • roll: The total roll of the IK chain. Change this value if you want the joints to twist around the spline.
  • target: The spline object which the joint chain tries to follow.
  • color: The color of the Spline IK handle and the line connecting the IK handle with the root of the IK chain.