The Select Tool is probably the most often used tool of all. You need it to select points, edges, polygons, or entire objects.
The select tool performs different operations depending on which mode Cheetah3D currently is in.
When you are in object mode you can select objects within the 3D view.
When you are in polygon mode you can select polygons of raw polygon objects. You cannot select polygons of parametric or creator objects. To do this you first have to make them editable (see Polygonobject).
Within edge mode you can select polygon edges of raw polygon objects.
Within point mode you can either select the points of a raw polygon object or you can select the control points of a spline.
- shift: Use the shift key for extending an already existing selection.
- command: Use the command key to unselect single polygons, edges or points of an already existing selection.
- Visible: When this property is checked, only visible primitives will be selected. Hidden primitives can be selected if this property is not checked.
- Radius: Within that radius primitives get selected.
- Fall of radius: The fall of radius for soft-selections. Soft-selections only work in point mode for raw polygon objects (see Polygonobject).