1. Create a box as the starting point
First we create a simple box object. Set the width to 3.0, the length to 0.5, the Y sections to 2 and the X sections to 5. After calling the menu command "Objects Make editable", the box will be transformed into a raw polygon object which we can modify with the polygon tools. The mode will also be switched automatically into polygon mode. You should now have the following object. |
2. Give the axe the basic shape
Use the transform tool to bring the mesh into the following shape. |
3. Creating the handle
To create the handle of the axe you need to select the polygon through which the handle should go and inner extrude it.
To finish to upper part of the handle, extrude the already selected polygon a little bit. Now do the same procedure for the lower part of the handle.
4. Sharpen the axe
The axe still isn't sharp so we should sharpen it by collapsing the polygons at the ends. This can be done by going to point mode and using the weld tool.
5. Assigning materials
Our axe is starting to look like a real axe! It is now time to colour it.
First we create the materials for our axe. A simple grey material and brown material will be sufficient. Now select all the polygons of the handle and drag and drop the brown material onto the handle in the 3D view. The handle is now brown. Finally, do the same with the iron material. Select all polygons of the axe and drag and drop the grey material on the axe in the 3D view.
Our axe is now coloured.
6. First try to smooth out the mesh
If we now apply the "Tools Polygon Catmull-Clark subdivide" command to our axe, we won't get the results we were expecting! |
7. Adding sharp features
We first have to set the creases. Creases are sharp features in the context of subdivision surfaces. To set an edge as a crease, select the edge in edge mode, and then apply the command "Selection Toggle crease". Edges which are tagged as crease will appear blue in edge mode. Note that currently selected edges won't show up as blue, since the selection highlight makes them red. |
8. Second try to smooth out the mesh
If you now apply the "Tools Polygons Catmull-Clark subdivide" command, you'll get the expected result. You could also use the subdivision object if you want to adjust the mesh later. |
9. Finished
You can find the axe in the Examples folder which comes with Cheetah3D.