Properties Editor

Every document window of Cheetah3D has two property editors located at the upper right corner of the window. The first (the upper one in the image) displays all properties of the currently selected material or object. The second one (the lower one in the image) displays all properties of the current tool.

The entries in the properties editor which have a small triangle in front of them are expandable. Click on the disclosure triangle and the entry will expand and display some further information that you can adjust.

The use of the controls in the property editor is just like every Mac OS X application, so you should find these easy to use.

The object/tag/material properties editor
To display the properties of an object, tag or material, just select the appropriate object, tag or material in the object or material browser. All properties of that object will be displayed. The entries in the object/tag/material properties editor all make use of the undo/redo feature, meaning that you can quickly go back if you have made a mistake. This will give you plenty of freedom to experiment without having to worry about damaging your creations.

The tool properties editor
There can only be one tool active at any given time. The properties of the active tool are displayed in the tool properties editor. Every time you choose a new tool this view will be updated to display the properties of that tool. The entries in the tool properties editor are not undo- or redo-able.