File Object

The File objects offers the possibility to read from and save to files.




File( String path)
Creates a file reference to a file at path. Creating a file reference doesn't automatically open the file.


void close()
Closes an open file.

String[] contentOfDir()
If path is an folder this function returns an array of all the files which are in the folder at path.

Boolean copyTo( String toPath)
Copies the file from path to toPath. Returns true if the operation was successful.

String directory()
Returns the directory path component of the file at path.

Boolean exist()
Return true if the the file at path already exists. Otherwise it returns false.

String extension()
Returns the file extension of the file at path.

int getpos()
Returns the current seek file pointer position of the open file.

Boolean isDir()
Returns if path is a directory or a file.

Boolean isOpen()
Returns if the file has been successfuly opend.

String lastPathComponent();
Return the last path component of the file/folder at path.

Boolean mkDir()
Creates a folder at path. If there already exists a file or a folder the old one will be deleted without warning. The function return true of the folder has been created successfully.

void open( Number mode)
void open( Number mode, Number endian)
Opens the file at path.

mode = READ_MODE : File will be opend in read mode.
mode = WRITE_MODE : File will be opend in write mode. If there exists no file at path a new file will be created.

You only have to pass the endian parameter if you want to read/write a binary file.

endian = BIG_ENDIAM: File data will be writen/read in big endian mode.
endian = LITTLE_ENDIA: File data will be writen/read in little endian mode.

String read( Number size)
Reads the next size chars form the open file.

Number readFloat()
Reads the next binary float from the open file.

String readln()
Reads the next line from the open file.

Number readShort()
Reads the next binary unsigned short from the open file.

Number readUInt()
Reads the next binary unsigned int from the open file.

void seek( Number offset, Number basis)
Moves the currently file pointer position by offset bytes relative to

basis = SEEK_SET: From the beginning of the file
basis = SEEK_CUR: From the current file pointer position
basis = SEEK_END: From the end of the file.

void setpos(Number pos)
Sets the seek file pointer to pos.

Number size()
Returns the size in bytes of the file at path.

void write( String string)
Writes sting to the open file.

void writeFloat( Number val)
Writes a binary float number to the open file.

void writeln( String string)
Writes string to the open file and attaches an new line charakter ('\n' ) to the string.

void writeInt( Number val)
Writes a binary signed int number to the open file.

void writeShort( Number val)
Writes a binary unsigned short number to the open file.

void writeUInt( Number val)
Writes a binary unsigned int number to the open file.