The SplineCore object hold all the data of a Spline object. It contains all the information about paths, control points, and so on. A SplineCore object can't be created manually. It is just possible to retrieve SplineCore objects from Spline objects with the core() or modCore() function calls.
Vec3D[] cache(Number pindex) |
Cheetah3D tessellates all spline data. This data will be cached. This function return and array of 3D vectors which describes the tessellated paths at index pindex. |
void close() |
Closes the current path with a line segment. |
Vec3D currentPoint() |
Returns the current point. |
void curve( Vec3D cp1, Vec3D cp2, Vec3D to) |
Draws a Beziere curve with the control points cp1 and cp2 from the current point to to. |
void line( Vec3D to) |
Draws a line from the current point to to. |
void move( Vec3D to) |
Moves the pen to to. This function also initializes the current point. So this function should be always called before you continue with drawing a spline.
Calling this function also starts a new path. |
Number pathCount() |
Number of paths. |