Vec3D Object

The Vec3D objects represents a three dimensional vector. It can be used either for vertices or control points.


Number x,y,z


Vec3D(Number x, Number y, Number z)

Creates a three dimensional vector.


Vec3D add(Vec3D a)

Adds the vector a.

Vec3D cross(Vec3D a)

Returns the cross product of this x a.

Vec3D convertEuler(Number current_order, Number new_order)
Vec3D convertEuler(Number current_order, Number new_order, Vec3D tip)

Converts a Euler rotation vector from the current rotation oder to the new rotation order. Please use the following constants for the rotation order: ROT_XYZ, ROT_XZY, ROT_YZX, ROT_YXZ, ROT_ZXY, ROT_ZYX or ROT_HPB.
If you also offer a tip for the new euler ration vector Cheetah3D tries to keep the jump in the rotation values as small as possible.

Number dot(Vec3D a)

Returns the dot product of <this,a>.

BOOL isEqual(Vec3D a)

Returns true if this vector and vector a are equal.

Vec3D inverse()

Returns the inverse of this vector.

Vec3D multiply(Number a)
Vec3D multiply(Vec3D a)

Multiplys the vector with a.

Number norm()

Returns the vector norm of the x,y and z components.

Vec3D copy()

Creates a copy of the vector.

void set(Number x, Number y, Number z)

Sets the values of the vector all at once.

Vec3D sub(Vec3D)

Substracts the vector a.