Vec3D Object
The Vec3D objects represents a three dimensional vector. It can be used either for vertices or control points. Properties
Vec3D(Number x, Number y, Number z) |
Creates a three dimensional vector. |
Vec3D cross(Vec3D a) |
Returns the cross product of this x a. |
Vec3D convertEuler(Number current_order, Number new_order)
Vec3D convertEuler(Number current_order, Number new_order, Vec3D tip)
Converts a Euler rotation vector from the current rotation oder to the new rotation order. Please use the following constants for the rotation order: ROT_XYZ, ROT_XZY, ROT_YZX, ROT_YXZ, ROT_ZXY, ROT_ZYX or ROT_HPB.
If you also offer a tip for the new euler ration vector Cheetah3D tries to keep the jump in the rotation values as small as possible.
Number dot(Vec3D a) |
Returns the dot product of <this,a>. |
BOOL isEqual(Vec3D a) |
Returns true if this vector and vector a are equal. |
Vec3D inverse() |
Returns the inverse of this vector. |
Vec3D multiply(Number a)
Vec3D multiply(Vec3D a) |
Multiplys the vector with a. |
Number norm() |
Returns the vector norm of the x,y and z components. |
Vec3D copy() |
Creates a copy of the vector. |
void set(Number x, Number y, Number z) |
Sets the values of the vector all at once. |