Tag:Base Object

Tag objects can be created with a constructor. To create and attach a tag to an object you have to call the addTagOfType() function of the Object object.






Cluster addCluster()

Adds an empty cluster to a  skeleton tag. If the tag is no skeleton tag nothing happens.

Cluster clusterAtIndex(Number index)

Returns the cluster at index.

Number clusterCount()

Returns the number of clusters which are connected to this tag.

Number linkedToMaterial()

If the tag is a material tag this function call returns the material index to which the tag is linked to. For all other tags this function just returns -1.

void removeClusterAtIndex(Number index)

Removes cluster at index.

Mat4D tag2WorldMatrix()

Return the transformation matrix from the tags local coordinate system to the world coordinate system.

void update()

Updates the scene graph starting from the tag.