
Objects are all elements within the scene graph like polygon objects, splines, light sources, cameras and so on. Objects can't be created directly. To create a object you have to call the addObject() function of the Document class. Properties





Tag addTagOfType(Number type)

Adds a tag of type type to the object. The function call returns the newly created tag.

Tag addChildAtIndex(Object child, Number index)

Attaches the object child to this object. Calling this function automatically detaches the child object from it's parent or owner.

Object childAtIndex(Number index)

Return child (sub object) at index.

Number childCount()

Return the number of children (sub objects).

PolyCore core()
SplineCore core()

Return the geometry data attached to an object. In case of an polygon object it return a PolyCore. In case of a spline object it returns a SplineCore. Otherwithe null.

Boolean isCreatorObj()

Return if the object is a creator object. Creator objects update automatically if one of it's childs changes. Like the Lathe or the Extrude object.

Tag[] materialTags()

Returns an array of all the material tags attached to the object.

PolyCore modCore()
SplineCore modCore()

Return the geometry data after the modifiers have been applied. In case of an polygon object it return a PolyCore. In case of a spline object it returns a SplineCore. Otherwithe null.

Mat4D obj2WorldMatrix()

The transformation matrix from the local to the global coordinate system.

Mat4D objMatrix()

The transformation matrix from the local to the parents objects coordinate system.

void setCreatorObj(Boolean val)

Sets a object to a creator object.

void removeChild(Object obj)

Removes child object obj.

void removeTag(Tag tag)

Removes tag from object.

Tag tagAtIndex(Number index)

Returns the tag at index.

Number tagCount()

Return the number of tags attached to the object.

Tag tagOfType(Number type)

Returns the first tag of type.

void update()

Rebuilds all caches. You always have to call this function once you've modified some geometry of parameters.