Document Object
Object activeCamera() |
Returns the active camera. |
Take addTake(String
takename) |
Adds a take with name takename to the
document. If there is already a take with that name in the
document this function will return the already existing
take and doesn't create a new one with the same name. |
Number animationEnd() |
Returns the time point where the animation ends. |
Number animPosition() |
Returns the current time point of the animation. |
Material addMaterial(String
type, String name) |
Adds a new material to the scene. The type can
be every available shader type like Material, Marble,
Wood, etc. You also have to pass in an initial name
of the material which can be changed later. |
Object addObject(Number
type) |
Adds an object of the scene. The parameter type
must be any of the various object
type constants. |
currentRenderer() |
Returns the currently selected renderer. |
Take currentTake() |
Returns the currentty selected (playing) Take. |
Number editMode() |
Returns the current edit mode (POINT_MODE, EDGE_MODE,
Material materialAtIndex(Number
index) |
Returns the material at index. |
Number materialCount() |
Returns the number of materials in the scene. |
void releaseRedrawLock() |
Releases the redraw lock. Only use this function if you
called retainRedrawLock() before.
Otherwise the UI of Cheetah3D will stay locked. |
void render()
void render(String filename) |
Renders the current scene. If a filename is
also passed to this function the rendered image will be
saved to that file. |
void redrawAll() |
Redraws the hole UI. |
void removeTake(String
takename) |
Removes the Take takename
from the document. This also removes all TakeNodes
with name takename from all Parameters. |
void renameTake(String
takename,String newname) |
Renames the Take takename
to newname. This function also renames all TakeNodes
with the name takename to newname. So if you
want to rename a Take never rename the TakeNodes
manually but always rename them with this function. |
Base rendererAtIndex(Number
index) |
Returns the renderer as index. |
Number rendererCount() |
Returns the number of renderers in this scene. |
void retainRedrawLock() |
Many Javascript functions cause a redraw of the UI. To
avoid wasting time by unnecessary UI redraws you can lock
the automatic UI redraw. But don't forget to call releaseRedrawLock()
at the end of the script. Otherwise the UI will stay
locked. |
Object root() |
Returns the root object of the scene graph. |
void saveToFile(String
filename, String type) |
Saves the scene to the filename. |
void selectObject(Object
obj,Boolean extendSelection) |
Selects Object obj. |
Object selectedObject() |
Returns the selected object. |
selectedObjects(Boolean flat) |
Returns and array of all selected and sub-selected
objects. |
void setAnimPosition(Number
time) |
Sets the animation position to time. |
void setCurrentRenderer(Number
index) |
Sets the renderer at index
as the current renderer. |
void setCurrentTake(String
takename) |
Sets the current (playing) Take to the Take with name takename. |
void setWindowFrame(Number
originX, Number originY, Number width, Number height) |
Sets the document windows position and size. |
Take takeAtIndex(Number
index) |
Returns the take at index. |
Take takeWithName(String
takename) |
Returns the take with Name takename. |
Number takeCount() |
Returns the number of takes. |