Material:Base Object

Materials can't be created with a constructor. To create a material use the addMaterial() function of the Document object.






Boolean addConnection(Number fromID, String fromPara, Number toID, String toPara)

Connects to nodes. Return true if successfull.

Node addNodeOfType(String type)

Adds a node of type to the material. The function returns the newly create node.

Vec4D color()

Returns the base color of the material.

String colorMap()

Returns the path of the color texture map.

Vec4D emission()

Returns the emissive color of the material.

Node nodeAtIndex(Number index)

Returns the node at index.

Number nodeCount()

Returns the number of nodes in this material.

Node nodeWithID(Number id)

Returns the node with base ID id.

Vec4D reflection()

Returns the reflection color of the material.

Boolean removeConnection(Number nodeID, String nodePara)

Removes a connection from an imput parameter. Returns true of successfull.

String rib()

Returns a string which contains all the material properties.

Node rootNode()

Returns the root (shader) node of the material.

Number shininess()

Returns the shininess of the material. This number is between [0,128].

Vec4D specular()

Returns the specular color of the material.

Vec4D transmission()

Returns the transmission color of the material.