Materials can't be created with a constructor. To create a
material use the addMaterial() function of the Document
Boolean addConnection(Number
fromID, String fromPara, Number toID, String toPara) |
Connects to nodes. Return true if successfull. |
Node addNodeOfType(String
type) |
Adds a node of type to the material. The function
returns the newly create node. |
Vec4D color() |
Returns the base color of the material. |
String colorMap() |
Returns the path of the color texture map. |
Vec4D emission() |
Returns the emissive color of the material. |
Node nodeAtIndex(Number
index) |
Returns the node at index. |
Number nodeCount() |
Returns the number of nodes in this material. |
Node nodeWithID(Number
id) |
Returns the node with base ID id. |
Vec4D reflection() |
Returns the reflection color of the material. |
Boolean removeConnection(Number
nodeID, String nodePara) |
Removes a connection from an imput parameter. Returns true
of successfull. |
String rib() |
Returns a string which contains all the material
properties. |
Node rootNode() |
Returns the root (shader) node of the material. |
Number shininess() |
Returns the shininess of the material. This number is
between [0,128]. |
Vec4D specular() |
Returns the specular color of the material. |
Vec4D transmission() |
Returns the transmission color of the material. |