Vec4D Object

The Vec4D object represents a four dimensional vector. It is normally used to define colors.


Number x,y,z,w


Vec4D( Number x, Number y, Number z, Number w)
Creates a four dimensional vector.


Vec4D add(Vec4D a)
Adds the vector a.

BOOL isEqual(Vec4D a)
Returns true if this vector and vector a are equal.

Vec4D inverse()
Returns the inverse of this vecotr.

Vec4D multiply(Number a)
Vec4D multiply(Vec4D a)
Multiplys the vector with a.

Number norm()
Returns the vector norm of the r,g,b and a components.

Vec4D copy()
Creates a copy of the vector.

void set(Number r, Number g, Number b, Number a)
Sets the values of the vector all at once.

Vec4D sub(Vec4D)
Substracts the vector a.