The joint tool will help you to easily create skeletons. You therefore don't have to create every joints manually. The joint tool will do that for you. It will also position the new joints at the right place in the skeletal hierarchy.
This tool works in all modes equally.
To use the joint tool just select "Tools Character Joint Tool" from the menu. The joint tool will now show up in the tool properties. To create new joints you just now have to click into the 3D view. The new joints are either created in the XY,YZ or XZ plane. So it is usually best if you use the joint tool form a front view for example.
The currently active joint will be highlighted in orange. If you now create a new joint by clicking in the 3D view the new joint will become a child of the active joint. Thereafter the new joint will become the active joint. So it is very easy to create arms or legs.
To change the active joint just click on an already existing joint.
- Shift: Hold the shift key while clicking to create a root joint.
- ESC: Reset tool. The active joint will be set to zero.
- Display mode: Uses this display mode for the newly created joints.
- Color: Uses this color mode for the newly created joints.