Mat3D Object

The Mat3D objects represents a 3x3 matrix. It's normally used for uv coords transformations. Properties

Number m00, m01, m02
Number m10, m11, m12
Number m20, m21, m22


Mat3D(Number type, Number x, Number y)
Creates a 3x3 matrix. If you pass no parameters a identity matrix will be created. For creating translation, scale or rotation matrices use for type on of the following constants {TRANSLATE, SCALE, ROTATE}


Mat3D adjoint()
Returns an adjoint matrix.

void concat(Mat3D mat)
Multiplys the matrix mat from the right hand side onto the current matrix.

Mat3D copy()
Creates a copy of the matrix.

Number determinant()
Returns the determinant of the matrix.

Mat3D inverse()
Returns the inverse of the matrix.

Vec2D multiply(Vec2D vec)
Vec3D multiply(Vec3D vec)
Mat3D multiply(Mat3D mat)
Performs a multiplication of a vector or an matrix. In case of the 2D vector the third vector component is assumed to be 1.

Mat3D transpose()
Returns the transpose matrix.